Discus Fish Care

Much to the surprise of many tropic fish owners, discus fish care has revealed special features specific to this breed that makes it stand apart. Therefore, when you design your aquarium make sure you plan the discus fish care area properly. They make great friends and pets; as you will find out, discus fish respond to you and have a social and bonding behavior unparalleled by other breed. When you make discus fish care a hobby, you’ll see they react in the most pleasant of ways, watching you moving around the room or even eating out of your hand. No wonder people love them.

 Considered the pride of any fish breeder, discus fish and their care raise a few issues, though not to complex I dare say. When you plan your aquarium it is really important to set up its purpose: is it going to be a family show tank or can the discus fish use it for breeding? Discus fish care is not painstaking at all; on the contrary, it brings immense satisfaction. For instance the family habits you notice during discus fish care moments will stress out the active role the male discus takes in the raising of their fry.

Keep in mind the fact that these fish are extremely clean and they like pure water all the time. Therefore, a special part of the discus fish care should focus on keeping a close watch on water recycling, temperature and the oxygen level. In order to avoid various diseases due to improper discus fish care make sure all the living parameters are within the normal values. For instance, good discus fish care means the water is at a temperature of 31 degrees Celsius at the maximum; if it gets warmer the level of oxygen drops and you’ll be confronted to oxygen starvation.

Another aspect of discus fish care is the establishing of colonies of nitrifying bacteria in the filter. This is essential since no discus fish care measures allow you to put the fish in a tank without these bacteria. They are responsible for keeping the ammonia and the nitrites under control by consuming the fish waste as food. Therefore, you may choose several nitrification methods in the process of discus fish care, the most important being the type of filter you decide to use. Plants also contribute to reducing the amount of toxic substances in the water, but you will still have to change it on a regular basis.

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Discus fish

With a compressed rounded body shape and gorgeous colors of green, red, brown and blue, discus fish are among the most popular aquarium freshwater fish in the world. Native from the Amazon River, discuss fish are spread all over the world being part of true industries in Asia, for instance. When they reach adulthood, discuss fish are no larger than eight to ten inches and they make great pets, bringing a drop of lively color to your house. Make sure you know everything about the needs of this fish breed, though discus fish are not very fragile, they still require a lot of care.

Discus fish make great aquarium inhabitants and they can be combined with other species in the habitat, the best choices would be the tetras or the uaru species. Generally discus fish are very peaceful creatures; they are a bit sensitive to stress and a disturbing environment. However it is not too great an idea to combine them with fish that are a lot smaller, as the discus fish may eat them. It is totally unadvisable to combine catfish with any variety of discus fish since the former may eat the latter. Like all aquarium creatures, discus fish require optimal living conditions; otherwise they are exposed to disease and may die.

As the natural water temperature the discus fish are used to, is around 26-31 degrees Celsius, you will have to recreate and maintain the same conditions. Furthermore, in the wild, the environment discus fish live in is slightly acid, so make sure you adjust the pH values to such coordinates, between 5.5 and 6.5 the pH is completely friendly to your pets. If the discus fish were bred in captivity they may just as well adapt to higher pH values, but not during the mating season when you really have to provide optimal conditions.

Keep in mind that discus fish are very clean animals, and the water you put in their tank has to be really clean, without the slightest trace of pollution. You need to use a high capacity filter to cycle the water continuously. There are plenty of information sources to learn more on discus fish and their breeding; such a reliable site is www.discus-fish-secrets.com that will definitely assist you in satisfying the needs of your discus fish. Always stay informed on feeding and breeding habits of your friends, as you’re thus watching over their health.

Discus as a hobby

Just as dogs make great companions, discus fish make a great show. Breeding discus as a hobby has become so popular that aquariums all over the world have become the home of this king of the exotic species. For some breeders, discus as a hobby means an immense satisfaction particularly when one manages to get some baby discus too. It is truly rewarding to see that what started with discus as a hobby has turned into a life time experience and a true friendship. What is so special about discus as a hobby? Apart from the great beauty of these fish, discus are unique in their social and loving behavior.

Those who breed discus as a hobby will be more than surprised to notice that the discus show signs of connection to the environment outside the tank. For instance breeding discus as a hobby implies spending lots of time around the tank, cleaning, feeding or simply watching the discus. They are said to recognize the owner in time and they can get as close to you as to eat out of your hand. When breeding discus as a hobby, some owners have noticed that the discus will watch you move around the room or even react to TV noise.

 Apart from such social behavior, discus enjoy silence and a close community with other fellows from the same species. If you take discus as a hobby, you may want to take into consideration that they prefer living in close communities that is together with several other members. The dominant discus would be the first to couple, followed by the others if proper conditions are met. Even if you breed discus as a hobby you may still have to separate the couples in a different tank allowing them to raise their fry.

 For everyone who takes discus as a hobby, it is important that all the proper living conditions are kept under constant observation. You should not use for instance a too powerful lamp for your discus; as a hobby you’d like to keep them in the spot light, but this warms the water above the accepted level and reduces the oxygen quantity. There is a short step to take between breeding discus as a hobby and breeding them at a professional level, after all, discus require the same attention no matter your devotion. Even if you take discus as a hobby, you still have to pay attention to their needs all the time!